Luisteroefening 6

1. Neem het antwoordblad uit de map voor je uit het deel : luistervaardigheid.
Maak de luistertoets.

Je mag zo vaak luisteren als je wil !!

2. Haal de antwoorden bij je leerkracht.
Streep aan welke antwoorden jij fout hebt.

3. Ga terug naar de vragen die je fout had en luister nog eens.

4. Controleer daarna nog eens met de antwoorden van je leerkracht.


a.McDonald’s will open fitness gyms inside its restaurants.
b.Ronald McDonald will wear a sporty business suit while snowboarding.
c.Ronald McDonald is overflowing with energy in new TV ads.
d.New McDonald’s TV ads do not show any hamburgers or fries.
e.The company is trying to abandon images of cholesterol.
f.A marketing boss made a confusing statement about food.
g.The marketing chief said McDonald’s menus would be healthier.
h.McDonald’s wants children to lead more active lives.

Vul de lege plaatsen in :

Kenya disposes of disposable bags
BNE: Kenya has _____1_____ a new system to make shopping more eco-friendly. The Environment Ministry has ____2_____ a campaign to ___3_______ the use of biodegradable shopping bags across Kenya. The East African Standard ____4____ that the Environment and Natural Resources minister launched the new bags, which are ____5_____ to reduce litter and prevent pollution. A spokesperson said: “This will make our landscape __6__ of an ___7_____.”
It was difficult to ____8______ the new bags in Kenya. Manufacturers ______9____ that changing from the ______10____ plastic bags would cost 20,000 jobs. Environmentalists argued that __11________ litter and pollution was far more important. The new biodegradable bags will also help reduce Kenya’s ____12_____ of malaria. The new “green” bags _____13______ and thus prevent breeding grounds for mosquitoes. A nationwide _14___ on plastic bags is next on the ___15____ in Kenya.

Welk woord is goed ?

New study says coffee is good for you
Coffee is good for you. That is the concussion / conclusion of researchers at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania.
A team led / fled by Dr. Joe Vinson found coffee is a rich sour / source of antioxidants. Coffee is the biggest provider of these vitamins in the U.S. diet / dietician.
Antioxidants help fight cancer and reduce cell damage and the effects of agreeing / aging.
Dr. Vinson said both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee provides simultaneous / similar levels of antioxidants.
He recommended no more than two cups of coffee a day.

Vinson analyzed the antioxidant content / contrast of more than 100 different food items and beverages.
Coffee finished top / stop based on serving / saving size and frequency of consumption.
However, Vinson advised people not to think of coffee as a health drink. He strained / stressed that high antioxidant levels in coffee does not mean the vitamins will find their way into our bodies.
The dangers of coffee are that it causes stomach pains / pans, increases blood pressure and can lead / load to heart problems.
Vinson said more research is needed to understand its health benefits / outfits.


a.A suicide bomber has blown himself up at a Balinese tourist spot.
b.Six bombs exploded at two restaurants.
c.Indonesia’s president warned of more attacks ahead.
d.Indonesia’s president said the bombers would never be caught.
e.Jemaah Islamiyah, a militant group, said it carried out the bombings.
f.Jemaah Islamiyah sees Bali as a hard target.
g.The Australian government knew Bali was going to be attacked.
h.Police found a number of unexploded devices at both restaurants.

1. Which statement does NOT describe the man's problem?
A. He can't get his snack from the machine.
B. The machine didn't give him change.
C. He accidently purchased the wrong item.

2. Why can't the cashier at the snack bar help the man?
A. The vending machine is not part of his business.
B. The customer pushed the wrong number.
C. He doesn't have a key to open the machine.

3. What does the man recommend they do?
A. call the phone number on the machine
B. move the machine to get the candy to drop
C. forget about the problem and go home

4. Why does the man's friend reject his suggestion?
A. He thinks they'll break the candy if it falls.
B. He knows they'll lose more money that way.
C. He fears someone might call the police.

5. What does the man's friend infer in the last sentence of the conversation?
A. He was able to buy some candy without a problem.
B. They might have more luck with the machine tomorrow.
C. He'll buy his friend something at a different place

Welk telefoonnummer hoor je hier ?